
Running Horse Statue

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A Running Horse Statue, when considered in the context of Vastu and astrology, carries specific symbolism and recommendations for placement:


A Running Horse Statue, when considered in the context of Vastu and astrology, carries specific symbolism and recommendations for placement:

Running Horse Statue in Vastu:

  • Symbolism: In Vastu Shastra, a running horse symbolizes energy, power, and forward momentum. It is associated with the element of fire, signifying swift progress and vitality.
  • Placement: To harness the positive energy of a running horse statue, it is often advised to place it in the south direction within your home or workspace. The south is related to fame and recognition, and the presence of a running horse can enhance your reputation and career prospects.
  • Direction: Ensure that the horse is facing the north direction, as this is considered auspicious in Vastu. This placement is believed to bring opportunities and success in various endeavors.
  • Material and Color: The material and color of the statue can also be significant. A metal statue, such as brass or bronze, is commonly chosen for its durability and positive energy. The color of the horse can vary; a golden or brown horse is often preferred.

Running Horse Statue in Astrology:

  • Astrological Significance: Astrologically, a running horse can be linked to the planet Mars. Mars is associated with energy, courage, and determination. If Mars is a prominent planet in your astrological chart, a running horse statue may amplify these qualities in your life.
  • Personalized Astrology: The impact of a running horse statue can vary from person to person based on their unique astrological chart and planetary positions. Consulting with an astrologer can provide tailored advice on how best to incorporate such symbolism into your life.

In summary, a Running Horse Statue, when placed and utilized according to Vastu and astrological principles, can serve as a powerful symbol of energy, progress, and success. Its placement in the south direction, facing north, and its association with the planet Mars can enhance its positive influence on your life and surroundings.


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